First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Home address (House #, City, State, Zip)
Please list any Allergies
Please list any health issues
Please list any long term medications you take
Any history of cancer, liver problems, diabetes, kidney disease, kidney failure, uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure, sodium retention, liver cirrhosis
Choose one
Are you pregnant? If the answer to this question is yes, please list the Name and Number of your OB
How did you hear about us?
CC #
Exp Date
I consent and agree that my credit card will be held on file and charged only once I received my drip and/or if I cancel 60 minuets before my appointment time. Cancelation Fee is $65. I understand that my card information will not be shared or used for any other purposes other than payment of my drip or cancellation of appointment.
If you prefer to pay via Cash, QP, or Venmo. Please let us know
I consent and agree
I consent and agree
Thank you! Our team will reach out to you once you are cleared to proceed with receiving your Bleu Drip.
For any questions call or text: 917-334-4134 Ext. 6